How to Cook Bacon in the Oven

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How to cook bacon in the oven with a 30 second video!

Bacon is a staple in my home. And this is especially true if you live in the South. However, the mess that goes along with cooking up your favorite pork product, is less than desirable.

When you fry bacon in a pan, you get a lot of splatter… and EVERYWHERE! Not to mention you can get burned rather severely from that grease splatter. 2nd degree burns while cooking? No thank you!

Here is this month’s kitchen hack:

Cook your bacon in the oven.

Did you know that you can use the oven? Not only can you, but you should!

It is a lot less of a headache, if you ask me. Cooking bacon in the oven is far less mess in my opinion. I am not a fan of the grease splatter that is involved with frying bacon in a pan. Once I found this bacon hack, I never looked back.

I hope you find this kitchen hack helpful. Let me know how you liked it!

Don’t forget to email your favorite kitchen hacks to me! I share my favorites.

Kitchen Hacks - Laura Gunn

Laura Gunn

Founder, Kitchen Hacks

How to Cook Bacon in the Oven