Healthy Cookies
Sounds like an oxymoron, right?
It probably is, if I am truthful. However, I do firmly believe that we can update some of our favorite cookie recipes with healthier versions. The exciting part… the recipes and hacks I use while baking, are delicious. Not bragging, just laying down the facts. It’s a bonus that they are a tad healthier than other versions.
What makes a food healthy?
This too, can be controversial. To be clear, I am not a doctor or nutritionist, and have no training to speak of. I do however, like to eat! This has me coming at trying to bake and cook with slightly healthier versions of things.
Here is my very first kitchen hack for you:
When baking cookies, substitute half of the required flour with healthier flour options. For example, almond flour, ground flax, whole wheat flour, coconut flour, or anything of that sort.
The short of it is that, white flour is the devil.
There I said it!
Now say it with me, “white flour is the devil”. Remember that when you are cooking, and adjust accordingly.
Now that I have divulged that, I don’t eliminate white flour completely. Notice I said, half. While it isn’t the best for you, it is miraculous when baking. Can’t deny that. However, in my opinion, substituting the healthier flour options with the white flour, creates a wonderful cookie that tastes amazing, has an earthiness to it, and makes a moist cookie that remains that way for days. Without added preservatives you might find in store bought cookies.
Email your favorite hacks for healthy cookies, to me!
Laura Gunn
Founder, Kitchen Hacks